Post creation

How to create a post to post to a channel

Post formats

To create a post, go to the channel from Control Panel

Channels list

Click the "Create Post" button

Create post button

Creating a text post

In the post creation dialog select Text

Create post dialog

Form for creating a text post:

  1. Text input field
  2. Insert Emoji
  3. Switch to Zen Mode
  4. Attach photo to text
  5. Add "button / link"
  6. Add reactions"
Create post dialog

The "Post text" field is required.

When you select text, a formatting menu appears.

Create post dialog

If there is a link in the text, after publication Telegram will add its preview at the bottom of the post.

You can turn off link preview and add a picture or animation instead of it by clicking the "Attach photo" button.

Create post dialog

After creating a post, you can save it to Drafts, schedule publication at a specific time, publish now or see how it looks on Telegram by sending it to the bot.

Create a photo post

You can also post a photo with a description in Telegram.

To do this, in the post creation form, select Photo

Create post dialog

Next, upload the photo you want to publish.

Photo post form.png

Now you can add a description for the photo, link and reactions. The photo description can be formatted in the same way as a text post.

Photo post form.png

Creating a video post

You can also post a video with a description in Telegram

To do this, in the post creation form, select Video

Create post dialog

Next, upload the video you want to publish. The maximum size is 20 megabytes.

Video post form

Now you can add a description for the photo, link and reactions. The video description can be formatted in the same way as a text post.

Video post form

Document creation

You can also publish a document with a description in Telegram

To do this, in the post creation form, select Document

Create post dialog

Next, upload the file you want to publish. The maximum size is 50 megabytes.

Video post form

Now you can add a description for the document, link and reactions. The document description can be formatted in the same way as a text post.

Document post form with file

Create a poll

With Telepost you can create polls without using a bot VoteBot

To do this, in the post creation form, select Poll

Create post dialog

Set a topic for the poll and indicate at least 2 answer options.

You can use formatting for your poll topic.

Poll post form

After posting a poll Telepost will process user votes and update the post in Telegram automatically.